Sveiki, esami ir būsimi kontaktinės improvizacijos mylėtojai!

Džiaugiuosi galėdama jau trečius metus iš eilės pakviesti jus į kontaktinės improvizacijos intensyvų seminarą su patyrusia mokytoja ir šokėja iš Italijos – Nica Portavia. Po kiekvieno seminaro sulaukiame daugybės klausimų, kada jis vėl vyks, todėl labai smagu šiais metais vėl atliepti jūsų norus ir nerti į šią mylimą šokio praktiką kartu su Nica!
Kas dar nepažįstate Nicos, kviečiu susipažinti čia: arba jos „Facebook“: Nica Andrea Portavia.

Nicos mintys apie seminarą:
“This seminar is open to all dancers and movers.
In this training, we will take the time to explore Contact Improvisation as a practice of inquiry, awareness, and solidarity.
We will approach the body as a community—a web of relations that impacts both the inner and outer spaces—and investigate how our personal stories shape the way we move.
Through a somatic-anthropological lens, we will delve into the smallest elements of movement, researching how even a small impact can spark a revolution in the way we perceive and move on this planet.
We will dive into our tissues, explore the skeletal system (drawing on Steve Paxton’s Material for the Spine), breathe deeply, and imagine together. Rolling, falling, flying, jumping—we will embrace readiness for any change and dance in the NOW.
We will collaborate with gravity, the space around us, and the support we receive from living on this Earth.
This practice will also be an exploration of relationships—a way to soften our hearts and create space for genuine connection.
Finally, we will study the art of improvisation by asking “What if?” instead of focusing on “What is."

Kas yra Kontaktinė Improvizacija?
Kontaktinė improvizacija (KI) – tai šokio technika, kurią 1972 metais JAV sukūrė Steve Paxton vadovaujama improvizacinio šokio ir performanso grupė. Tai viena iš šokio ir improvizacijos meno formų, kurioje bendravimas vyksta per judesį kontakto su kitu metu.
Prisilietimas yra vienas esminių kontaktinės improvizacijos įrankių – jis kviečia tyrinėti ir atrasti naujas judėjimo trajektorijas. Ši šokio forma padeda geriau pažinti savo kūną, žadina smalsumą, skatina judėjimo žaismingumą ir spontaniškumą. Laisvas judesys, prisilietimas ir neverbalinis bendravimas gali suteikti netikėtų įžvalgų apie save, aplinką ir pasaulį.

Praktinė informacija:
Šis seminaras atviro lygio – kviečiami visi, nepriklausomai nuo ankstesnės patirties.
Atsineškite arba dėvėkite laisvus, judesių nevaržančius drabužius. Judėsime basomis arba su kojinėmis.
Jei smalsiai norite eksperimentuoti ir atrasti naujus kūrybos būdus per šokį, šis seminaras – kaip tik jums!

Savaitgalio tvarkaraštis
Kovo 22 d. (Šeštadienis):
11:00–13:30 – I sesija
15:00–17:00 – II sesija
19:00–21:00 – Atviras džemas
Kovo 23 d. (Sekmadienis):
11:00–13:30 – I sesija
15:00–17:00 – II sesija
17:30–18:00 – KI savaitgalio uždarymas

Data ir vieta:
Data: Kovo 22–23 d.
Vieta: Menų spaustuvė, III studija. Šiltadaržio g. 6, Vilnius

100 € – iki kovo 1 d.
130 € – vėliau.
Tik džemas: 5–10 € (pagal norą ir galimybes).
Viena diena: 70 €.

Siūlome 10% nuolaidą:
-Ankstesnių Nica seminarų dalyviams.
-Studentams ir dviejų ar daugiau asmenų grupėms, dalyvaujančioms kartu.

Registracijos forma:
Daugiau informacijos:

Hello, current and future Contact Improvisation lovers!
I'm delighted to invite you, for the third year in a row, to an intensive Contact Improvisation seminar with the experienced Italian teacher, Nica Portavia.
After each workshop, we receive many questions about when the next one will be held, so I'm thrilled to fulfill your requests this year and immerse ourselves in this cherished dance practice, guided by Nica!
For those who don't know Nica yet, I invite you to learn more about her here: or on her Facebook: Nica Andrea Portavia

Nica's thoughts on the seminar:
“This seminar is open to all dancers and movers.
In this training, we will take the time to explore Contact Improvisation as a practice of inquiry, awareness, and solidarity.
We will approach the body as a community—a web of relations that impacts both the inner and outer spaces—and investigate how our personal stories shape the way we move.
Through a somatic-anthropological lens, we will delve into the smallest elements of movement, researching how even a small impact can spark a revolution in the way we perceive and move on this planet.
We will dive into our tissues, explore the skeletal system (drawing on Steve Paxton’s Material for the Spine), breathe deeply, and imagine together. Rolling, falling, flying, jumping—we will embrace readiness for any change and dance in the NOW.
We will collaborate with gravity, the space around us, and the support we receive from living on this Earth.
This practice will also be an exploration of relationships—a way to soften our hearts and create space for genuine connection.
Finally, we will study the art of improvisation by asking “What if?” instead of focusing on “What is.”**

What is Contact Improvisation?
Contact Improvisation (CI) is a dance technique created in the USA in 1972 by Steve Paxton and his group of improvisational dancers and performers. It is a form of dance and improvisation where communication happens through movement in contact with another.
Touch is one of the fundamental tools of Contact Improvisation—it invites exploration and discovery of new movement pathways. This dance form helps you get to know your body better, stimulates curiosity, and promotes playful movement and spontaneity. Free movement, touch, and nonverbal communication can provide unexpected insights into yourself, your surroundings, and the world.

Practical Information:
This workshop is open to all levels – everyone is welcome, regardless of previous experience.
Please wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that allows for free movement. We will be moving barefoot or in socks.
If you are curious to experiment and discover new creative ways through dance, this workshop is perfect for you!

Weekend Schedule
March 22nd (Saturday):
11:00–13:30 – Session I
15:00–17:00 – Session II
19:00–21:00 – Open jam
March 23rd (Sunday):
11:00–13:30 – Session I
15:00–17:00 – Session II
17:30–18:00 – Closing of the CI weekend

Date and Location:
Date: March 22–23
Location: Menų spaustuvė,III studio. Šiltadaržio g. 6, Vilnius

€100 – until March 1st
€130 – after March 1st
Jam only: €5–10 (depending on your wishes and possibilities)
One day: €70

We're offering a 10% discount for:
-For participants of previous Nica seminars
-Students and groups of two or more attending together

Registration form:
For more information, contact: