Exactly two decades ago today, the contemporary performance arts organization – the Arts printing house started its activity in the old town of Vilnius, which at that time was still among the ruined industrial city walls. To remain active and still no less relevant organization for two decades is not an easy task, but Arts printing house remained faithful to the idea upon which it was founded - today it is an independent space where many organizations and performing arts creators carry out their activities and present events, and the audience is constantly introduced to the variety of contemporary arts. Arts printing house for 20 years – more than a scene!
Celebrating its 20th anniversary, the Arts printing house is not planning to stick to one concrete place or date, or event. The news about the activities and the most important events of Arts printing house will be spread throughout the whole year. One of the goals of communication is to reach that audience which throughout all 20 years might have not discovered this space. So, the communication campaign for this anniversary will present all the activities and their variety that Arts printing house can offer. Also, for those who might have never been here it will reveal just how much of everything can fit under the “roof” of Arts printing house and will accent that this place is not only a theatre. Arts printing house is way more than just a scene! “All year long we will spread the word about our networking, internationality and, of course, about Arts printing house as a place. We will pay a lot of attention to the areas that are currently our priority as an organization and to which practically all the activities of the Arts printing house as well as the organized festivals are dedicated – contemporary theater for children, art in public spaces and contemporary circus. We will share our insights about how we envision Arts printing house in the future and what are the expectations of the artists” – says Jolita Balandyte, the head of Arts printing house.
Using key words such as: performances, exhibitions, info library, residents, and independent scene - Arts printing house anniversary advertising campaign will invite you to get to know contemporary performance arts and the experiences that are waiting there. “Our goal was to create a festive visual language which would easily transform itself while continuously telling all about different Arts printing house activities all year long. We aim for our visual codes to rise questions and encourage interpretation of activities and their mutual interactions, thus non-bindingly allow projecting ideas for the future. The esthetics prompt open processes and various activities, that are happening under the “roof” of Arts printing house.”, - about the visual identity created by communication tells its creators Nerijus Keblys and Mantas Rimkus (“Taktika studio”). This festive communication also uses exclusive illustrations, which were provided by the artist Antanas Dubra, who has worked with Arts printing house on various projects on several occasions. “It’s so fun to work with Arts printing house. Usually when we cooperate, we look for new and never yet seen solutions and we of course we trust each other. This time we are striving to do something new, fresh, and revitalizing!”, - Antanas Dubra shares his creative process.
Arts printing house is dedicating a whole year for its anniversary and is inviting to visit performances and exhibitions that are presented in probably the biggest performance arts library there – to discover organizations and artists residing at Infoteka.
The activities of the Arts printing house are supported by: Lithuanian Culture Council, Vilnius City Municipality.