The Arts Printing House continues a program of foreign residencies – "Footprints in Motion"

From Monday, the footprints in motion program is home to Frenchman Anatole Couety, who will work here for two weeks on his latest work, invite him to a sketch of the work and conduct a Chinese pole workshop for people interested in modern circuses. We talked to Anatole about his expectations and creative process.

What do you expect from this residency?

For the fourth work session of this project, the objectives are: the exploration of narrative accessories, the development of the soundtrack, as well as the affirmation of the acrobatics specific to this new circus object.

Tell us more about the project, what is the idea behind it?

Driven by progress, we took our eyes off the ground to fix it on the heavens. Far from the ground and its inhabitants, a being lives high up, alone, on its stalactite. Unable to tread the ground, gruff and sensitive hermit, he mirrors our contradictions.

This single-in-scene circus offers the allegory of a humanity struggling to regain contact with the earth. With self-mockery and on an unprecedented circus apparatus, Anatole Couety offers us an acrobatic poem, without setting foot on the ground.

What are your future plans?

Two other residencies will be needed to see this show take life in spring 2023.

And before that, going back to the Collectif sous le Manteau new creation : MIKADO, small tales of falling. Which one will encounter the audiens in January, 2023.

What did you hear or already know about Vilnius?

I'm in a hurry to come back to Vilnius !

I've been there a short time, but still, I had the chance to meet generous and integrating persons. I'm so curious to discover what I will share with the city and its inhabitants.

Anatole Couety's Chinese pole workshop will be held – on July 1, 5 and 7 from 10 am to 12 pm, registration here -škoStulpoDirbtuvės

A sketch presentation of the Anatole Coety residency, will be held on July 9 at 3 p.m., in the Black Hall of the Arts Printing House.